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How to Design UPCA Linear barcode labels in just few steps

Barcode labels are machine readable representation of values which stores information in the form of parallel black and while lines in simplest manner. Barcodes labels consists of linear and 2D fonts symbologies which is suitable for multiple products in labeling purposes.

There are multiple types of barcodes such as UPCA (Universal Product Code) barcodes which consists of fixed length, numeric only symbol must contain 12 digits.


For designing and printing UPCA barcode labels, there is a great need of DRPU barcode label maker software which consists of advanced techniques specialized to print generated barcode labels on multiple paper sheets using laser or thermal printers as well as labeled products in well specified manner. We just Select Linear Font Symbologies and develop barcodes of UPCA fonts in user friendly formats by editing different barcode header and footer format.

Here are Very Few Simple Steps to create UPCA Barcode Labels using DRPU barcode software-->

Step 1:--> In this First Step, Open DRPU barcode Label Maker Software and then Select linear font and UPCA barcode font from drop down list


Step 2:--> In this step user must Enter barcode header and footer values which suits your business needs and requirements for product labeling purposes


Step 3:--> Now your UPCA barcodes is sucessfully designed as per your business pattern and its time to print them on A4 paper sheets using laser or thermal printers directly from DRPU barcode labeling program by clicking Print Button and Edit options like copy number, marging values, Horizontal and vertical space settings etc


Step 4: Now your barcodes are ready to use, Labeled them with different products and items for business management purposes


Just Watch This Video Demonstration and Learn how to create UPCA barcode labels with the use of DRPU barcode labeling software

Contact us for more information about barcodes:

DRPU Software Team

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